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Water treatment process

Classification:Industry News Release date:2024-03-19 13:51:21

1. "A B method"

The "AB method" process in sewage treatment is simply divided into two stages of aeration, A and B. Each stage has an isolated and independent aeration process and sludge water separation process. For the reflux of activated sludge, it is also isolated from each other. The activated sludge produced by the A-stage sedimentation tank flows back to the A-stage aeration tank, and the activated sludge separated by the B-stage sedimentation tank flows back to the B-stage aeration tank.

2. A-A-A-O water treatment process

The A-A-O process, also known as A2O, is an abbreviation for the first letter of Anaerobic Anoxic Oxic in English. In practical terms, this process is more accurately referred to as anaerobic anaerobic aerobic method.

3. AO water treatment process

1. Characteristics of A/O denitrification process:

(a) The process is simple, without the need for additional carbon sources and post aeration tanks. The original sewage is used as the carbon source, resulting in lower construction and operation costs;

(b) Denitrification takes the lead, nitrification takes the lead, and an internal circulation is set up, using organic substrates in the original wastewater as a carbon source, which has a good effect and sufficient denitrification reaction;

(c) The aeration tank further removes denitrification residues and improves the quality of treated water;

(d) A-stage stirring only serves to suspend sludge and avoid an increase in DO. The front section of section O adopts strong aeration, while the back section reduces the air volume to reduce the DO content of the internal circulation liquid, ensuring the oxygen deficient state of section A.

4. SBR sewage treatment process

SBR is the abbreviation of Sequential Batch Reactor Activated Sludge Process, which is an activated sludge wastewater treatment technology operated by intermittent aeration, also known as Sequential Batch Activated Sludge Process.

5. Upflow anaerobic sludge bed (UASB)

Design of O/A/O combined process for treating printing and dyeing wastewater

7. Activated sludge water treatment process

8. Oxidation ditch water treatment process

The oxidation ditch is a variant of the activated sludge method, and its aeration tank is a closed ditch type. Therefore, it is different from the traditional activated sludge method in terms of hydraulic flow state. It is a circulating flow aeration ditch connected from beginning to end, in which sewage seeps into and is purified. The earliest oxidation ditch was not made of reinforced concrete, but a soil ditch treated with slope protection, which was intermittent inflow and intermittent aeration. From this point of view, the oxidation ditch was originally a technology for treating sewage in a sequential batch manner.

9. Obel oxidation ditch process

10. Seawater desalination process

11. Waterworks process

12. Deep processing

According to the level of treatment that can be achieved by the purification function of secondary treatment technology for urban sewage, the treated water generally contains a considerable amount of pollutants, such as BOD520-30mg/L; COD60-10020-30mg/L; SS20-30mg/L; NH3-N15-25 mg/L; P6-10 mg/L, in addition, it may also contain harmful substances such as bacteria and heavy metals.

13. Anaerobic Internal Circulation Reactor (IC)

14. Typical processes for treating clothing rinsing wastewater

15. Pre treatment of papermaking wastewater

16. Pre treatment of coking wastewater

17. Technical Renovation of Gravity Valveless Filter

18. Example of A2O+high-density sedimentation tank process

19. Introduction to a DAT-IAT process example

--Compiled by: Xianfeng Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd
